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‘Rising Bright’ is a story of my life. The story that brought me to health coaching. I was privileged to live in and visit many different countries, met even more wonderful people. This also gave me the opportunity to live my passion and connect to so many amazing people who helped me grow and will forever stay in my heart.

I always felt a deeper calling in helping others. It was reflected in the studies I have chosen, the professional path, and the work I was doing. But life happened in between. I became a mother to my wonderful and energetic son. Exhausting pregnancy and birth, being new and alone in a foreign country without any support, thinking mothers need to be ‘wonder women’ and do everything by themselves took a toll on my health.

Juggling between being the best mom, taking care of the household, being a caring and loving partner, and finding a new professional start and new ways in a totally different country was not easy. I thought that being tired was normal, I thought that being unhappy is a part of life, I thought that it is easier to hide emotions, pushing them deeper and deeper inside. There was this feeling of shame and guilt that I can’t do it, that I failed and I am not good enough. Soon clarity came. I found out I was having thyroid issues and was experiencing numerous symptoms of hormonal imbalance, inflammation in my body, and overall feelings of burnout. This struck me like a bolt of lightning. Why and how could this happen to me? But on the other hand, it was a blessing in disguise, that wake-up call that brought sense to so many things in my life. It made me stop and take a good look at my life, to see why my health deteriorated in such a way and what I can do to bring healing and well-being back into my life. I embarked on a healing journey and in the process of reclaiming my health, rediscovered my spark, my passion. I again found Myself and started rising brightly.

Women are especially vulnerable when it comes to our health as we are natural caregivers, usually forgetting about ourselves and our needs. We often get lost in our many roles we have in our lives and lose our spark and meaning in life. We are so ashamed to say out loud “I can’t do it”, "I need help", and are so concerned about what others will think. Not living our life in balance, not taking care of ourselves, and not nurturing that connection with ourselves throws us of the cliff and brings us imbalance. We, not knowingly and not intentionally, create a perfect environment for so many dis-eases of our time. Some can take time to show up and some strike suddenly. This way or another we are pushed to stop, re-think and take action to re-claim our powers over our own lives.

Starting point is always our health. It is the most important thing in our life. But most of us are not aware of this until we start experiencing different dis-eases and imbalances. But with small and gradual changes in diet, lifestyle, habits we can start re-claiming our health and smile. But it is not only our health we claim back, we also re-connect with our deeper layers of ourselves and if we stay true to our journey we re-connect with our soul.

Throughout our coaching time, you will develop the tools and confidence to take action. The process will empower you in re-building your health and lifestyle, becoming once again the Leader of your life. You will finally be able to put yourself first as you will re-discover the awareness that you can’t give from an empty well. No matter how we want to believe otherwise, this is the fact. The secret is that we can still be givers, nurturers but at the same time know how to give and nurture ourselves too.

Because you are unique and so your coaching should be too. I don’t follow a template, or ‘one size fits all’. We start where you are & we work towards your goals and we find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you, and nourish your body and soul.

And this is just the beginning of the healing journey. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I am aware that we need to approach life from a holistic point of view. A healthy diet, physical activities, meaningful and fulfilling relationships, satisfying career, and finances with a pinch of joy and a calm mind are the key to success. Knowing how to balance all important areas in your life is an ongoing learning process through which you are discovering yourself, your bio-individuality, and are rising brightly.

So let the journey begin!

Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.

Richard Wilkins

People are like seeds. When watered and nurtured, they blossom into stunningly beautiful and diverse creatures.

Regan E