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Cleansing gives us back years of our life – years we don’t even know we’ve already lost and don’t realize we can gain back. This is your chance. Take it.
Anthony William, Medical Medium

I am following Anthony William, whom most people know as a Medical Medium, for many years now. I stumbled upon him when my partner randomly bought his Liver Rescue book and by then I did not (yet) realize how useful his information and his books will be to me one day. I did click ‘follow’ and I did ‘like’ his page – you know, just in case. 🙂

It was a year later when I started experiencing thyroid issues, the feeling of constantly being tired, irritable digestion, hormonal imbalance, skin issues, hair fallout, etc. I decided that I want to understand what is happening to me and where this dis-balance came from. I realized that my partner bought one of Anthony’s books and my next step was, naturally, to buy the remaining books he issued. My new passion for health emerged and I enrolled to become an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. And the rest is history, as they say. 🙂

So, back to liver cleanse. I have never done cleanses, detoxes, or fasting. I always considered them as some kind of torture for the body. And they really can be if your health is not at the right place. But 3:6:9 Liver Cleanse spoke to me. It was challenging in a way but full of healthy meals throughout the whole day. With my health issues, being tired, hair falling out I really did not want to make the situation even worse, weaken my body, and starve myself of even more nutrients. But this time my body did not clench upon the thought of doing this cleanse, especially when I saw apples on the menu. 🙂

I began my journey with lemon water and celery juice started to avoid the ‘troublemaker’ foods and incorporated a lot of his recipes into our everyday meals. I still remember my mornings after drinking celery juice and running to the toilet. 🙂 It was horrible, the cleaning effect that it had on my intestines. But on the other hand, I felt a calming feeling afterward. Hard to explain when your digestion is like Russian roulette – you never know if you will win diarrhea or constipation. My digestion was very sensitive and it reacted to all sorts of food – usually with diarrhea. I have noticed it calming down after some three months of drinking celery juice almost every day. What I have also noticed was my skin getting clearer, having more energy through the day, being happier, sleeping better. Of course, I holistically approached my healing – body, mind, spirit. I started meditating again, doing easy yoga (exercising was too stressful for my body and I felt like crap afterward for at least 3 days), starting to work on my fears, beliefs, etc.
I did his liver cleanses two times until now. The first one was the original 3:6:9 cleanse from his Liver Rescue book. I disliked it, it was tough, I had a lot of work with cooking the right food, even deciding what to eat. But I did lose around 5 kg of the stubborn pregnancy weight that I lost at the beginning but got most of it back due to my thyroid issues. I also felt good and light overall.
And then the gamechanger came – his book Cleanse to Heal. I love this book. And when I was going through it I got called to the Advanced 3:6:9 Liver Rescue Cleanse.



I liked it immediately as it looked easy, with simple recipes that did not take a lot of time to prepare. I had to plan ahead a bit as I needed to order some of the ingredients, like dulse and pitaya, while spirulina, barley grass juice powder, and Chaga are part of my ‘superfoods’ package that we keep at home most of the time. The only challenge that I constantly experience in Sweden, where I live, is finding nice, thick, and ecological celery that does not break the bank. Well, in the end, you feel it, especially if more people are drinking it 🙂 I am not sure what are the celery prices around the world, but here we pay for a bunch of celery almost 23 SEK. That is around 2,4 USD and 2,2 EUR.


So, you can see in the upper picture what this Advanced Cleanse looks like. It lasts for 9 days, but it is divided into 3 parts: days 1 to 3, days 4 to 6, and then days 7 to 9. Each part follows a meal plan, with prescribed foods and times to eat them. Day 9 is different as it is a day of only tasty juices.





The Advanced 3:6:9 Cleanse is here to sweep out the volumes of poison that are holding back that person who’s hurting badly so it can quickly move them forward.

Anthony William, Medical Medium


Good to know before the cleanse:

  • You will need the book Cleanse to Heal by Anthony William. You can buy it or borrow it. I believe it is worth the investment as it is one of those books you will regularly return to.
  • It is great to have a proper juicer and a good blender. Blending celery juice and then straining it through a nut milk bag probably isn’t the easiest thing.
  • Order all ingredients that you can not buy directly in the store on time.
  • Try to plan the cleanse so, that your last days will fall on a weekend. The last days are crucial and can be more tiring and it is also recommended to rest more.
  • Decide in advance what meals you will prepare and make a shopping list. It is energy-consuming to run into the store during the cleanse. Save energy for healing. Maybe you can plan and order it online so it gets delivered on time. I divided it in half as my fridge is too small for all the vegetables and celery 🙂
  • Piece of advice – try to eat the same meals most of the time. I wanted to try most of them so they ended up more expensive and I had more food leftovers after the cleanse.
  • If you have to cook for other family members try to plan it ahead and cook simple dishes so it will not be too much of a burden for you. I was lucky that my son was in kindergarten during the week so I needed to cook only one easy lunch in the afternoon. My partner is luckily big enough 🙂 so he took care of himself during the day and even helped with cooking during those days when I felt more tired.
  • Buy as many products as possible that are organic. Especially celery, which is on the Dirty Dozen list of most contaminated foods with pesticides.
  • Bad news – coffee is not allowed. I am a coffee junkie but I was lucky I was off of it at that time. Try to wean off a couple of days before the cleanse so you will not lose energy and deal with coffee detox symptoms and that annoying headache that so many experiences.
  • Do not forget to keep a journal and write all that you were experiencing during the cleanse. If one of your goals is to lose some weight, do write down before and after numbers. 🙂

Advanced 3:6:9 Cleanse
Day 1 to 3

  • 32 oz of lemon water (upon waking)
  • 24 oz of celery juice (morning)
  • Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (morning)
  • Apple (morning)
  • Liver Rescue Smoothie (lunchtime)
  • Apple (mid-afternoon snack)
  • Kale salad (dinnertime)
  • Apple (evening)
  • 16 oz lemon water (evening)
  • Hibiscus tea (evening)



The first day was one of the hardest for me. I was full of motivation and happy to start but as I did not know what to expect (that fear of the unknown) my cravings were off the roof. If I could I would eat all the food in the house, the healthy and the junk. 🙂 The worst was in the evening when I had a feeling I am going to bed with an empty stomach. And let’s not mention the kale salad for lunch that was hard to eat and I blended the whole thing and drank it like a smoothie. I admit I like kale juiced or in a smoothie, but not so much in a raw salad.



On day 2 I had the same morning foods as the day before. I always had my apples, whenever they were allowed as I love, love apples and I distracted and calmed my mind that was already panicking being without food for the last hour and a half. 🙂 For dinner, I have chosen tomato, cucumber, and herb salad. I liked it a lot. In the evening I also switched the tea to lemon balm one.





Day 2 was a rollercoaster ride. I had a big outburst of anger. Don’t ask me where it came from. 🙂 Oh, that is right, liver. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine liver is associated with anger. I had a huge anger attack on how I can not be what I truly am, what I want to be, and how I am not heard. It was a big release of stuck emotions in my body.



I also noticed that my feeling of enlarged thyroid almost disappeared. My neck was not so swollen and painful. My jaw was more relaxed. I had a feeling of getting a headache but after the anger release, it disappeared. I felt very light and calm in the second part of the day. Cravings were almost gone and the feeling of hunger was almost unnoticeable.




On day 3 I again changed my dinner and had Leafy Green Nori Rolls. They are amazing and taste delicious. I stuck to them for the most of other days too.
This day was great as I was full of energy and very calm. I did not experience any cravings or hunger. I even went to the food store.





Day 4 to 6

  • 32 oz of lemon water (upon waking)
  • 32 oz of celery juice (morning)
  • Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (morning)Apple (morning)
  • Liver Rescue Smoothie or Spinach Soup (lunchtime)
  • 32 oz of celery juice (mid-afternoon)
  • Apple (mid-afternoon snack)
  • Cauliflower and Greens Bowl  (dinnertime)
  • Apple (evening)
  • 16 oz lemon water (evening)
  • Hibiscus lemon balm or Chaga tea  (evening)


This is the second part of the cleanse where you increase your morning celery juice to 32 oz and introduce another 32 oz of celery juice in the mid-afternoon. All other meals are the same. I tested spinach soup for lunchtime and cauliflower and greens bowl for dinnertime. I got addicted to spinach soup. It is really tasty and fulfilling. And I love that mild sting from raw garlic (not so much the after-smell though :)).

On day 4, I was feeling a bit cranky. I was dealing with cold hands and feet and that was annoying. I was really tired in the afternoon as I was working and had all my meals too late in the day. And I also got my period, which probably contributed to the tiredness. But I did not experience any heavy bleeding or cramps like usual.


On day 5 I again felt great. When I looked at myself in the mirror my vision was clearer and my eyes were cleaner and more open. I even had a coaching session and I felt great doing it. Don’t ask me why but my body felt really flexible and light so I did some plank exercises. My small son even noticed that my neck has shrunken 🙂 and my partner noticed that my hair felt shinier. The skin on my face was clearer, less greasy, had a more healthy shine, and my pores were cleaner.


If day 5 was really great then day 6 was the opposite 🙂 I felt tired and that annoying feeling of swollen neck and thyroid was back. Like everything was irritated. Probably some bugs were starving and angry.

Day 7 was not so bad but I was still tired. I had a lot of bowel movements so the toilet was my ‘best friend’ that day. I did not have a proper appetite so I was forcing myself a bit to eat something. I have noticed that I did not feel the need for those big portions and I was happy with just something small. I experienced another new symptom – coughing. My lungs started to clean too.




On day 8 level of tiredness was the same. I did not have any bowel movement the whole day as it all probably went out the day before. 🙂 I felt really nauseous the whole day, without a proper appetite.







Day 9

I was so happy that day 9 finally came. I was craving some food change and I was happy as a small child looking at all the fruit I will be able to drink on the last day.

Over the whole day you can consume:

  • 2x 32 oz celery juice (one morning, one early evening)
  • 2x 16-20 oz cucumber-apple juices
  • as many servings as you want: blended melon, watermelon, papaya, ripe pear, fresh-squeezed orange juice, water



I still felt a bit nauseous but my energy levels were better than days before. I have also checked my weight and I have lost 3 kg.

After I have finished my cleanse I felt more energy, focused, motivated, and that afternoon’s tiredness was gone.

So do I recommend this cleanse – YES! With my whole heart! It can be tough and rough but that great feeling when you reach the end, when so many symptoms are gone, when you are lighter, easier, calmer and you feel better overall, is something no one should miss.

One cleanse will not kill you and either heal you. Healing does not work like that. But you will give your body, your liver some rest from the heavy, everyday foods we are consuming, you will give yourself some time and attention, and I am sure this will bring you more in touch with yourself. The cleanse is also some kind of a balance sheet – during it, you realize what food you are consuming every day and where you could improve your diet. You also see your weak spots that come up like cravings, coffee, sugar, salt detox symptoms, and it can offer some inner motivation on overcoming them as they for sure don’t serve either you or your health.

What I also love about the book is the whole chapter based on symptoms and recommended supplements that you can incorporate in your healing journey and make it even stronger.

You will for sure not regret buying the book Cleanse to Heal (or any other) as it has so much important information and can clear so many questions. And let’s not forget also all those delicious recipes in there.

There is more information about Anthony William, his books, his recipes, etc. on his official website.

I hope this blog, my website, and the services I offer will help build a community where we together aim to regain our health, and vitality, bring more happiness into our lives and rise brightly.

Together, we can bring more understanding about health and wellness into our lives, how to take care of our body and mind, how to bring healing and compassion in, and see how individual and unique each journey can be. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and, as we can often hear – one man’s medicine can be another man’s poison.

If you feel I can support you on your healing journey of bringing more health into your life, do not hesitate to reach out and book a 20 min discovery call. You can also read more about how we can work together here.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

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