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Dear visitor,
welcome to my Blog where I will be sharing my thoughts and different information about health and a healthy lifestyle. My name is Barbara Umnik, and I am a holistic health coach.

My aim in life is to share and encourage people to live a healthier way and bring positive changes into their lives. Our body is our temple, our vehicle and if our vehicle has problems it won’t get us far. It sure did not get me. I believe that life transformation goes hand in hand with the care of our body and mind, starting with dietary changes. A clear body means a clearer mind. Some also say that our inside reflects on the outside.

Rising Bright is a reflection of my life. We all have our ups and downs but how we decide to rise back up reflects the life we will experience. I experienced many challenges, personal losses, and health issues in my life. But I decided to face my darkness and start transforming my life. Honestly, it was and is still not easy, but worth it. Taking it step by step makes it less challenging, and less painful too. 🙂
I hope this blog, my website, and the services I offer will help build a community where we together aim to regain our health, vitality, bring more happiness into our lives and rise brightly.

Together, we can bring more understanding about health and wellness into our lives, how to take care of our body and mind, how to bring healing and compassion, and see how individual and unique each journey can be. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and, as we can often hear – one man’s medicine can be another man’s poison.
If you feel I can support you on your healing journey of bringing more health into your life, do not hesitate to reach out and book a 20min discovery call. You can also read more about how we can work together here.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you!