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In-Depth Health Consultation

Our mind and our consciousness play a huge role when it comes to the disbalance of our health and life. This is a fact known since the beginning of the research in the field of quantum physics.

The area that connects body, mind, and consciousness is known as the ‘information field’. According to German physicist Burkhard Heim, everything we do, everything we think, and even our feelings and emotional needs are stored in this field and can be accessed there. Due to this, information field technology can be used, besides medicine, in various further areas.

Through analyzing, supporting, and balancing our information field we can tackle our obstacles and health issues. We can do this with TimeWaver as its special feature is the analysis of invisible influences affecting us in all areas of life and the ability to balance them. Time Waver works on levels that see the entire human in their wholeness.

Information Field Technology

The TimeWaver Pro system was developed for analysis and optimization in the Information Field. The aim of the TimeWaver Pro system is to analyze possible correlations and backgrounds of imbalances and disturbances in the Information Field and to bring them back into harmony with new information patterns. The system, developed by physicist Marcus Schmieke, is now used by over 1,000 users worldwide.

In-depth health consultation looks like individual health coaching session. Firstly you receive a detailed questionnaire where you follow the questions and describe you past and present health state or dis-balances you were/are facing. Questionnaire touches also the area of diet as we can see first sources of issues already there. After going through your health you try to write down your desires and specific goals you would like to achieve. It is good to have the motivation and reason why you are stepping on the path of healing and transformation. Transformation will come as it cannot be avoided when you start improving your health and wellbeing. I found receiving a health history questionnaire before our first 1:1 session is very helful as I get an early insight into your life and get a first picture of it.
Next we meet online through a video conference (possible also telephone but it is such better experience when we can see each other). Our session lasts between 90min - 120 min. During our session we will try to identify the underlying sources of your dis-balance and analyze your answers. We will also take a look at your life and touch different areas of it to see if some sources to your issues lie there. We have to be aware that dis-balances in our life are a result of many different influences, from different areas of our lives.
After our session you will receive a personalized health report containing agreed action plan plus many other support information and tools that will help you on your journey.
Second part of the in-depth consultation represents a systematic analysis with Timewaver Pro which is a system that analyses and optimizes our information field. Complete and holistic TimeWaver analysis will show us a comprehensive list of problems, disbalances, and blockages. This will then serve as a starting point of bringing changes and healing into your life. As mentioned, TimeWaver Pro analyzes in the information field what new information may serve to restore a healthy balance on different levels. TimeWaver Pro system has the goal of “writing” this new information into the Information Field, e.g. in the form of vibration patterns. The aim is to harmonise disbalances in the Information Field. We will do this by using the results that Timewaver created in the form of so called vibrational lists. We will use these lists and vibrate them, this new information, through the whole one month from the day of our first session. As the last step, I will check the lists again and inform you through the email about the improvements of the lists we were vibrating.
If you feel you need guidance, help and that the healing time has come for you, I will be honored to work with you. I know how it feels going through a health struggle, I was there and I get it. In a safe and supportive space, we will address them and find solutions for them. What is important to have in mind is that there is no quick fix for dis-balance that was building up for years. It is a journey, with ups and downs that you can overcome with positive spirit and guidance.
*TimeWaver Pro Disclaimer: Science and conventional medicine do not acknowledge the existence of information fields and their medical and other importance, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine. TimeWaver systems are registered and recognised medical devices for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain, and migraine, as well as for supporting the treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and related sleep disorders. All other applications of TimeWaver systems are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.
*As a support at home TimeWaver Team also developed a smaller device called Healy, that uses microcurrent frequency programs for the harmonization of your bioenergetic field and enhanced recovery, vitality, and wellbeing. This way you can experience support and healing in the privacy of your home, anywhere, anytime. You can read more about Healy under our Services.

One session of in-depth health coaching with health guidelines and TimeWaver analysis : €111 / 1200 SEK


Each following 1:1 session that includes Timewaver analysis: €88 / 930 SEK


Package of three in-depth sessions: €228 / 2400SEK






It all comes back to what you eat, what you drink, and what you think!

Kris Carr

The most effective way to do it, is to do it.

Amelia Earhart

Fall in love with taking care of yourself.

Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected.

T. Collin Campbell

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