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Privacy Policy


Privacy policy regarding integrity and marketing (‘Privacy Policy’) describes how Rising Bright that operates under Ecothink Sweden AB (org. no. 559087–3583), Grytagränd 2, Upplands Väsby (‘Rising Bright, ‘we’) collects, uses, discloses and stores your personal data.

Who is responsible for personal data?

Rising Bright operating under EcoThink Sweden AB, org. no. 559087–3583, is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

We protect your personal data

It is important to us at Rising Bright that you feel 100% secure when it comes to your personal data and how we handle it.

Personal data is all information that can identify an individual (name, address, purchase history, etc.).

We promise that we will always keep your information safe, will only use it to improve your experience (webshop, newsletter, etc.), and delete it as soon as we no longer need it.

We ensure that the processing of personal information follows the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is applicable in the EU and Sweden as of 2018, internal guidelines and procedures.

Please read our data protection rules and cookie policy carefully as it tells you how your personal data will be handled.

If you have any questions, please contact us at barbara@risingbright.me and we will be happy to help.

Where do we collect your personal data from?

The privacy policy establishes the conditions under which Rising Bright processes personal data that you give us when you use the website risingbright.me.

Personal data is collected on our website and provided by you: name, surname, telephone number, e-mail, and other information you provide.

When do we process your personal data?

When you contact us, sign up for our newsletter or purchase our services, use our services or features, you will be subject to this privacy and cookie policy, terms of purchase, and other documents mentioned therein (terms) that are applicable at all times.

We need to collect and process personal data about you in order for you to visit the website, purchase goods or services, and contact us.

When you make a purchase on the website, use customer support, visit the website, or when you otherwise have contact with Rising Bright, we collect and process personal data about you.

If you are an account holder, Rising Bright collects personal data about you that you provided during your registration. We collect personal data about you while you are an account holder, your purchase history, how you interact with the website, which offers interested you, etc.

Rising Bright collects personal data when we contact you via email, SMS, or other electronic communication.

As an account holder, you can update your personal data at any time by logging in to ‘My Pages’.

What personal data do we collect?

Name and/or Surname


Phone number


Customer id number

What products or offers interested you

Purchase data

Marketing Communications

If you have agreed to them, we will send you marketing messages via email, text, or other communication channels to keep you updated about our products, services, and other ideas.

Subscription to our newsletter may involve the use of personal data for personal advertising purposes.

Personal data related to your purchases, tastes, and preferences can therefore be used to analyze, and generate user profiles, market analysis, quality surveys, and improvements to our overall processes.

You can easily cancel your subscription with a single click at any time. If you are a registered customer, you can change it in ‘My profile’ or Newsletter.

If you need help, please contact us via barbara@risingbright.me and we will help you.

How long do we store data about you?

We will save your personal data as long as your account is active or as long as there is a need.

Rising Bright may save the data longer if it is necessary to comply with legal requirements or a legal process is in progress or for historical, statistical, or scientific purposes, as well as for follow-up and archiving.

We do not and will not sell your personal information to any third-party vendor or affiliate.

But we have to share some of your personal data with third-party vendors or companies that are an important part of our services to you. These companies may only process your personal data according to our instructions and may not use your data for their own purposes.:

Companies, responsible for getting your purchase to you, such as payment service providers, warehouses, order packages, and delivery companies.

Professional service providers such as marketing agencies, advertising partners, and ‘web hosting’.

Credit reference agencies, law enforcement, and anti-fraud agencies, so we follow the law.

Social media sites that are approved and connected to you.

Companies that are our suppliers in case of complaints and other product-related problems.

And what are your rights?

You have the right to receive information about how we use your personal data and that you always have access to the information you shared with us and can always delete it.

You have, among other things, the right to retrieve a register extract with your personal data and have your data corrected. In order to fulfill your rights, we must process your personal data.

You can request to receive a copy of the personal data we have about you.

You can request to have your information corrected or removed if you believe it is incorrect.

You can request that we delete your personal data.

You can always contact us to help you with that.

You have the right to access, move, correct, or delete your personal data. Complaints regarding the processing of personal data that are in violation of the rules can be reported to the Data Inspectorate.

On the Swedish Data Protection Authority’s website, you can read more about the data protection regulation and what rights you have. You can also read on the EU website: www.eugdpr.org.

Contact information

Any inquiries about which data is registered, corrections, disclosure, and deletion are directed to our customer service and preferably sent in writing to one of the following addresses:

Email: barbara@risingbright.me

Rising Bright – EcoThink Sweden AB

Grytagränd 2

194 57 Upplands Väsby


We use cookies when you visit our website.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the visitor’s computer and that can be used to follow what the visitor does on the website.

Their main use is to improve your experience as our user and customer.

Cookies that we use

Website functionality cookies that allow you to navigate the website and use features, such as “Add to Cart”.

Website analysis cookies that allow us to measure and analyze the use of the website by our customers and to improve functionality and your shopping experience.

Customer preference cookies remember details or preferences (eg language, location) when you browse or shop on our website.

Advertising cookies are used to deliver advertisements that are relevant to you.

We do NOT store personal information of a sensitive nature, such as passwords, credit/debit card data, etc. in the cookies used.

Who uses information about cookies?

The information stored in the cookies from our website is used only by us, except for those managed by external entities to provide services that we request to improve our service and experience. These “third-party cookies” are mainly used to access statistics and to guarantee the payment transactions carried out.

Accept or reject cookies

You always have the option to reject cookies. However, it may result in restrictions on the possibility of using the website (you cannot log in, you cannot order, you cannot use the basket). To reject cookies, you must disable them in your browser and delete the cookies stored in your browser that are associated with our website.

How to manage cookies

Here are some links that can help you manage your cookies in your preferred browser:

Internet Explorer